Analysis and Reports

Western Balkan Ecommerce Report, 2024

This sixth edition of the E-commerce Report, and the first to be published in English, broadens its focus beyond previous reports that centered solely on North Macedonia to cover the entire Western Balkan region, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. Published by the Macedonian E-commerce Association and supported by NLB Group, the report provides a detailed analysis of the state of e-commerce and trends across these markets. Through secondary data and comparative analysis, it evaluates growth over the past year and benchmarks it against more developed European markets. Primary research highlights e-retailers’ challenges in the region, mapping barriers and obstacles to support informed action.

Download the report to gain insights on:

  • Western Balkans Market Size & E-commerce Potential: Overview of the region’s market size and growth opportunities.
  • Digital & E-commerce Readiness: Examination of digital readiness, WB DESI index, digital skills, and Network Readiness Index (NRI) in the Western Balkans.
  • E-commerce Readiness & Internet Usage: Patterns of Internet use among individuals and enterprises, assessing e-commerce preparedness.
  • Payment Trends: Insights into preferred payment methods and financial infrastructure challenges.
  • Delivery & Logistics: Evaluation of logistics performance and key challenges faced by e-retailers.
  • Legal Framework: Overview of regulations impacting e-commerce across the region.
  • State of E-commerce: Data on online shopping rates, e-shopper behavior, and enterprise participation in e-commerce.
  • E-Retailer Experiences: Survey data on e-retailers’ challenges, with a focus on payment issues.
  • NLB Case Study: Smart POS – Empowering Businesses with a Pioneering Payment Solution.
  • The Role of E-Commerce Associations: Interviews on the state of e-commerce in each country and the influence of the Associations in promoting e-commerce.
  • Mapped Areas for Action: Identified opportunities to address challenges and foster growth.

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Report on the E-commerce Analysis: “Overview of E-commerce in the Republic of North Macedonia and Comparison with the Countries of the Western Balkans and Europe, 2023.”

The analysis of the progress of e-commerce in the Balkan countries is conducted using Eurostat data, considering the progress compared to the previous year and compared with European countries in terms of internet usage, activities performed online, the extent of internet use for online shopping, and the sources of online purchases. An analysis is also made of the value and number of transactions made with payment cards by Macedonians and foreigners, both for domestic and foreign online sales in the Republic of North Macedonia. Data from the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia (NBRSM) is used for the number of online sales outlets. AETM also conducted an empirical analysis of the unique number of active e-traders. The utilization of the potential for the growth of e-commerce has been examined as well.

Download the report and get information related to:

  • Internet usage and most practiced online activities- How Balkan e-users use the internet compared to European users.
  • Online shopping – How many internet users make online purchases and what they buy? – Comparison of Balkan e-buyers with European buyers.
  • Growth of e-transactions in 2022 compared to 2021 and the first half of 2023 according to data from the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia.
  • The structure of transactions according to the origin of the card and devices (ATM, POS, online).
  • Supply growth – the number of newly opened e-stores according to data from the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia.
  • Results of the conducted empirical analysis of the number of e-traders using a methodology for verifying active and unique e-stores.
  • The potential for progress of e-commerce – Logistic Performance Index (LPI) and Network Readiness Index (NRI).
  • AETM initiatives for growth and development of e-commerce in North Macedonia and the region.

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E-commerce analysis report: “E-commerce in the Republic of North Macedonia and comparison with the region and European countries, 2022”

What is the progress of e-commerce from the demand side? How ready are we to shop online? How much, what, how often, from when and in what amount is bought online? What is the progress on the supply side, how much are the companies prepared? How much do they sell online? Is the progress that has been made – sufficient? In this analysis, in addition to the comparison with the previous year, we also compare with European countries with a special focus on the neighbors. What are the challenges and barriers to e-sellers according to the conducted questionnaire? To what extent are we using the potential of the digital revolution and more?

Download the report and get information related to:

  • Internet usage and the most practiced activities online – Profile of the Macedonian internet user and comparison with the European and Balkan ones.
  • Online shopping – Profile of the Macedonian e-shopper and comparison with the European and Balkan ones.
  • Shopping problems and barriers for online shopping.
  • The level of digital skills of Macedonians in relation to Europeans and Balkans.
  • The growth of e-transactions in 2021 compared to 2020 and the first half of 2022 according to data from the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia.
  • The structure of transactions according to the origin of the card and devices (ATM, POS, online).
  • Preparedness of companies for e-sales and selling online.
  • Growth of the supply – the number of newly opened e-stores is growing.
  • Results from the conducted questionnaire on e-sellers – barriers and challenges in e-commerce.
  • Potential for taking advantage of the digital revolution – Network Readiness Index (NRI)

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Video presentation of the key findings from the Analysis of e-commerce 2022 – AETM, Phd. Nina Angelovska

“Overview of e-commerce in the Republic of North Macedonia and comparison with the region and European countries 2021”

What is the impact of COVID-19 on the development of e-commerce in North Macedonia? What is the growth of online transactions in 2020 and how much is this growth maintained in the first half of 2021 after the easing of restrictive measures? What is the profile of the Macedonian e-buyer and e-user compared to the region and Europe? What is the potential for the growth and development of Macedonian e-commerce?

Download the report and get information related to:

  • The growth of online transactions driven by COVID and further development of e-commerce
  • The volume and value of online transactions in 2020 and the first half of 2021 according to NBRNM data
  • The structure of online transactions according to the origin of the card and the devices (ATM, POS, online)
  • What is the number of newly opened e-shops?
  • The situation with ICT in households and businesses and their comparison with European countries
  • The potential for e-commerce development according to the relevant UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index and Network Readiness Index (NRI)
  • The profile of the Macedonian e-user and e-buyer and comparison with the Balkan and European one
  • Initiatives and projects of the Macedonian E-commerce Association for promotion of e-commerce

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Video presentation of the key findings from the Analysis of e-commerce 2021 – AETM, Phd. Nina Angelovska

Report on the analysis of e-commerce in the Republic of North Macedonia – “Analysis of the progress of e-commerce 2017-2019 and the impact of COVID-19 on the development of e-commerce in 2020”

What is the progress of the preconditions for the development of e-commerce in R.N Macedonia [2017-2019]? What is the situation with e-commerce in R.N.M 2017-2019 and comparison with European countries? What is the impact of COVID-19 on e-commerce, what are the opportunities and challenges?

Download the report and get information related to:

  • Indices that assess the potential of R.N.Macedonia for e-commerce development?
  • The growth and development of e-commerce?
  • Meet the Macedonian e-shopper: Where and what he usually buys, what is the average sum that is spent on one order…
  • At what level are the digital skills of Macedonians?
  • The growth of e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The impact of COVID-19 on Macedonian e-traders
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on consumer habits
  • Review of the realized recommendations from 2018 and new recommendations for accelerating the development and growth

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Report on the analysis of e-commerce in the Republic of Macedonia – “Current financial size, potential, challenges and recommendations for the development of e-commerce.”

What is the concept of sales, is owning a physical store or is it pure e-commerce? Is there payment on delivery or are transactions carried out on a larger scale through the online store?

Buy the full analysis to learn more about:

  • A complete overview of the current state of e-commerce in the country
  • Information useful for forming a development strategy
  • Financial statements and performance of all registered e-traders
  • Competition overview
  • Defining challenges by segments
The e-commerce survey in N. Macedonia in 2019 was realized by the Macedonian eCommerce Association, the Agency for Research and Consulting Insider ID and the Credit Agency Target Group.

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Report from the analysis of e-commerce in the Republic of Macedonia – “Readiness, potential, factual situation, barriers and recommendations for the development of e-commerce.”

What does e-commerce look like in Macedonia? How much, how and where do Macedonian consumers buy? Do they prefer to buy in Macedonia or abroad? What payment methods are most often used?

Download the report and get information related to:

  • Digital skills in Macedonia
  • Challenges and barriers for e-commerce
  • What is the utilization of the electronic payment option?
  • What did Macedonians buy the most online?
  • What is the value to domestic e-commerce?
  • How often did Macedonians shop online?
  • What do Macedonians and companies in Macedonia use the Internet for?
  • What is the network connectivity index of Macedonia, the e-commerce index and the logistics performance index?
  • What are the recommendations for promoting e-commerce in Macedonia?

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